I'm writing from my comfy faux hospital suite at home here, pampering my lungs to the max to avoid a real hospital stay. It's working out pretty well so far. So well, in fact, that I decided to dabble with a blog entry or two. You may have noticed the previous little ditty I just posted. This time I'd love to show you a purse I made over Christmas break.
I've never made a purse before. I was digging through my bin of fabric for inspiration when I came upon an old pair of Isaac's corduroys, frayed beyond repair. Somehow in looking at these pants, I envisioned a purse. I cannot explain why this idea was so appealing to me. I even came up with an idea for my marvelous new imaginary line of clutches and totes: On the Fly Handbags. I think it's catchy.
Over Christmas I actually finished one of these. I was fortunate to be at my parents' house when I began, because I was inspired to do some beading and mom had a nice sampling of beads to try out. I've never beaded before, and I can't tell you how satisfying it was to string the beads on the thread and slowly pull them taut on the fabric. Instant eye candy. It made me happy just experimenting with colors and designs.
But enough talk already, here's the bag.